Monday, 7 January 2013

Day 6 - Tests

There isn't much to report for today. I had to get my big blood test which involved testing my blood sugar levels. This meant I had to fast from last night to this morning. I love my breakfast so this was a pretty hard one for me! I was very glad to have my protein smoothie when I arrived home. Hopefully the test results will all come up clear.

I decided to make it a day for tests so I also had my eyes checked. Turns out I need reading glasses! Now I just need to find some cool ones :)

I promise tomorrows post will be more health orientated!


  1. Chris and I were just talking this morning about getting eye tests! :) love keeping up with your blog, it's a daily read! :)

    1. I didn't think I needed glasses at all, so I'm pretty pleased that I ended up getting one! OPSM bulk bill it all to medicare as well so I didn't pay a thing :)

      p.s I also enjoy keeping up with your blog :)
