Tuesday, 19 February 2013


So it's been quite awhile since I last posted which is mainly due to my dull life. Things have been quite uneventful lately mostly because I've been too tired to go out and do anything. My hypothyroid symptoms have just gotten worse. Some days I will go to bed early, get a full 9 hours sleep and wake up feeling as if I haven't slept at all. People constantly tell me how tired I always look and this is all really beginning to get to me. I don't have the energy to wake up for bootcamp in the morning and I'm three days into uni and already falling asleep in classes. I'm sure m y family and friends must be sick of hearing 'I'm so tired!'
Although I am exercising (when I manage to make it) and I've been eating well I'm continuing to gain wait. I've basically gained all that I spent the last year losing. This is pretty devastating as I worked so hard at it and it's all been undone in a few months.
Given how bad things have gotten I saw my doctor yesterday. In two weeks time I'll be getting a blood test to check my thyroid in through hopes that the levels will be low enough to begin medicating me with thyroxin.  It's going to be a tough wait until then.
I shall keep you posted!